TDF Capital serves the China entrepreneurial market as a growth capital firm focusing on early to expansion stage investments in TMT, consumer and healthcare sectors. We believe in the vast market opportunities and talent pool to generate a wealth of innovation and ingenuity. TDF Capital stands to bridge the capital and domain expertise gaps between entrepreneurs and markets. TDF was established in 2000 and currently manages 3 USD funds and 1 RMB fund. In 2007 TDF partnered with KPCB, an established US-based venture capital firm, to build KPCB China while continuing to manage TDF funds. Since its founding, TDF has generated top quartile returns for its investors. Today TDF Capital continues its strong heritage in investment excellence and exceptional support for entrepreneurs. We look forward to working with our LPs and entrepreneurs for the years to come.
阿里巴巴 Alibaba
百度 Baidu
A8音乐网 A8 Music (HKG:0800)
分众传媒 Focus Media
瑞声声学科技 AAC Acoustic (HKG:2018)
玺诚传媒 Cgen Media
视觉中国 Unisun
兆日科技 Sinosun Technology (SZ:300333)
宜信 CreditEase
神州租车 China Auto Rental
中文在线 ChineseAll
敦煌网 DHgate
中天嘉华 Capital Steward
P-Cube P-Cube
恺英网络 Kingnet
中国网通 China Netcom (HKG:0762)
华友世纪 Hurray! Holding (NASDAQ:KUTV)
出口易 Chukou1
奇瑞汽车 Chery Automobile
宏天科技 DMX Technologies (SIN:5CH)
东方般若 Oriental Wisdom
起航教育 COE
幸福蓝海 Omnijoi Media
中轩 Gum Holding
网娱智信 WYMarketing
多利农庄 Tony's Farm
东信时代 Donson
汇众教育 Huizhong
地产快机 Real estate mobile
维洛城 Velo
亿动传媒 Madhouse
易查 Yicha
康辉医疗 Kanghui
凯瑞生化 Chiral Quest
金斯瑞生物科技 Genscript
康圣环球集团 Kindstar
阳光电源 Sungrow
台湾立凯电能科技 Aleees
宇星科技 Universtar
华霆电力 SinoEV
海博瑞德 Hiboridd
亚创林业 Asia Forestry
长三角化工 Deltachem
确成硅化 Quechen
科净源 SYS
TMT & Consumer
Health Care
Email 邮箱
Tel 电话
+86 21 3383 0688
Fax 传真
+86 21 3383 0699
华盈基金 上海办公室
TDF Capital Shanghai Office
Room 2903. No. 3 Building, Fortune Seaview Garden,
Lane 258, Pu Ming Road, Shanghai 200120 PRC
华盈基金 香港办公室
TDF Capital HK Office
香港 中環 皇后大道29號 華人行18樓
Level 18, China Building, 29 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
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